Portfolio Management

Financial Planning

Estate Planning

Retirement Planning

College Planning


Spence Asset Management is a leading provider of investment management services specializing in separately managed accounts that are tailored to an individual client's investment objective.


Spence Asset Management champions independent and autonomous thinking. The firm's culture is characterized by significant employee co-investment in products and a long history of team continuity. Unwavering in investment philosophy, Spence Asset Management is the alternative to traditional Wall Street managers.


 3529 Foothills Rd.,
Las Cruces, NM 88011


3300 East 1st ave., ste 200,
denver, co 80206


The information contained herein is for informational purposes only without regard to any particular user’s investment objectives, risk tolerances or financial situation and does not constitute investment advice, nor should it be considered a solicitation or offering to investors. To determine if investment in a Separately Managed Account with Spence Asset Management is an appropriate investment for you please call 1.800.230.1840.


Investment Advisory Services are offered through Spence Asset Management, a federally registered Investment Advisor. Investment Advisory Services offered through RIA of Spence Asset Management, a Registered Investment Advisor to all residents of the United States.